Measuring and Detecting Network Interference

Deployment of network monitoring nodes that collects data and tests for network interference in Malaysia and Southeast Asia for continuous objective technical monitoring for network interference and provide proof if any such actions are happening in a region with increasing numbers of internet users and serious concerns for network interference to restrict freedom of expression online.

Research Reports

Internet Censorship Monitoring 14th Malaysian General Elections Report

State of Internet Censorship Country Reports

Reports using data collected in partnership with Open Observatory for Network Interference (OONI)

How can I help?

Help fund our work with monthly or one time donation.

Help review or suggest test list urls

You can also help review the Malaysia list of website urls that we should test. Check if any website you think should be checked is missing, misfiled category or should be removed because the organization is no longer there.

You can email us at [email protected] or tag us @sinarproject on Twitter if you suspect a site is being blocked

Install OONI App Probe on your phone

Install OONI Probe app and follow our Twitter account for calls to help run tests. When we make the announcement, you can click on the supplied link in announcement to help run the tests on your phone.

Join our online community

Join our online Slack chat group working on #digirights project