Call for Stakeholders Comment on Policy Brief: Open Government Malaysia
Sinar Project is pleased to invite all stakeholders to participate in a call for comment to shape a national policy brief.
Sinar Project is seeking to develop, through an open process, a policy brief on Open Government Malaysia, aimed to present to the government by the second week of May. We are pleased to invite all stakeholders to participate in a call for comment to shape a rational policy brief.
The policy brief will be a concise summary of Open Government Partnership (OGP) eligibility issues for Malaysia. It will outline the policy options to deal with the matter, as well as some recommendations on moving the OGP process forward in Malaysia.
The policy brief intended target is for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and staff to familiarize themselves with the issue and gain support for OGP adoption from the Cabinet.
All Stakeholders Encouraged to Participate
We encourage all of our colleagues and stakeholders to participate in this call for comment so that we can work together to maintain the openness and integrity of the drafting process. To comment on the draft document, you can:
- Log onto the draft online document and add your comment on the line by “right click”, “add comment”
- Download the draft document (ODF, Word)and revert with comments to [email protected]
- Email specific comments to [email protected]
The public comment will be closed on May 8, 2020 (Friday), 11:55 p.m.