Wakil Rakyat
Your Elected Representatives
Find out who your elected representives are, what they do and how to engage them to represent you in Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies.
Do they represent you on issues?
How do I contact them?
We monitor them to ensure that they do not engage in corrupt activities or make statements that would be classified as hateful, discriminatory or in support of curtailing basic human rights as specified in our blacklist criteria.
What Do They Do?
We aim to integrate Parliamentary Documents project to seamlessly show their Parliamentary and/or State Legislative Assembly questions and answers.
Track their political interests and assets
Provides transparency information on asset declarations, and posts held if known.
How can I help?
Help fund our work with monthly or one time donation.
If you are more technically inclined, visit the project Github page.
It is a lot of work to trying to update information of hundreds of elected representatives. To find out how you can help:
Join our activities.
Join our online Slack chat group working on #wakilrakyat project