Learning about Malaysian Government Policies on Sex Education in Parliamentary Documents

Written Parliamentary gives public insights into government policy and programmes.

Each government ministry has at least a billion Ringgit budget, or close to it. While the larger ones have multi-billion Ringgit budgets. Under these ministries are hundreds of different programmes which implement government policies through activities and projects.

It is hard to keep track of the status of all these programmes, but one way of finding out is through our MPs in parliament.

What policies do we have regarding sex education in Malaysia?

What projects are being implemented, what are they and who has benefited so far?

We learn in Parliamentary reply, from Minister of Health to MP Gerik that in Malaysia sex education programmes by Health Ministry, "abstinence" is considered safe sex method. And safe sex education is focused only on "high risk" teens.

Written Parliamentary Reply by Minister of Health (BN Government) to MP Gerik (BN,UMNO) - 15 May 2016

Written replies such as this provides insights for public, but more so for civil society organizations involved in sex education and youth, on which projects they should work with, along with follow up questions by MPs on the effectiveness or correctness of these policies.

Note: Currently Written Replies to Parliamentary questions by MPs are still not published online on official Parliament Website.

About Parliamentary Documents

Parliamentary documents is a project to make Malaysian parliamentary documents on-line. The current focus is to scan and publish on-line digital searchable documents that have previously not been made accessible to the public.

Parliamentary documents such as written replies provide detailed official responses on government policy and statistics by the executive to questions raised by your elected representatives. They contain difficult to find answers such as child marriages, crime, government project status and issues of mismanagement of funds or projects.
