GE15 Open Data
Open Data Related to GE15
This is a consolidated page of various open data resources related to GE15. If you know of any open data resources that are available, that is not reflected on this page, do contact [email protected] or tag us on social media @sinarproject
Election Results
Candidate Data
- Parliamentary candidates scraped from SPR website by Thevesh - Politikus basic candidate photo, profile and party data, for Parliament and State (pending)
Past Candidates
- GE14 Parliamentary Candidates scraped from SPR website by Thevesh
- More past candidates
- Candidates and results from Thibi and DataN scraped The Star and Malaysiakini Undi Info (Not sure about usage rights due to sources)
Past and Current Election Results
- GE14 Parliamentary Results scraped from SPR website by Thevesh
- More past results
- Open data on recent by-elections and GE13/GE14 results by Tindak Malaysia
Electoral Boundaries
GeoJSON parliamentary, DUN and district boundaries from Department of Statistics
Census data such as demographics by disctrict, DUN and Parliamentary areas
Basic economic data such as income, poverty rates and GINI index, by state, Parliament and DUN
Visualization Tools
Set of ready to use visualization tools from for GE15 Elections