Call for Full Disclosure by MCMC for Take Down Notice on Personal Data Breach Reports

Call for Full Disclosure by MCMC for Take Down Notice on Personal Data Breach Reports

Sinar Project calls for The Malaysia Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to provide full disclosure on the details of take down notice of online reports of large scale Malaysian personal data available for purchase

The Malaysia Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has requested the removal of article re: Personal data of millions of Malaysians up for sale, source of breach still unknown. An hour later, the article reposted by Free Malaysia Today (FMT) was also removed from their website.

We worry that this take down notice action by MCMC is a cover up for this incident. In addition, the request to take down the content is test latest violation of the MSC Malaysia Bill of Guarantee No.7 "To ensure no censorship of the Internet.".

Therefore, we believe that MCMC should:

  1. explain in which condition the article has violated the Communication and Multimedia Act
  2. publish the takedown notices
  3. investigate on the data leaks incident as mentioned in the article
  4. inform the public about the data leaks incident, with the Personal Data Protection Commission personnel