Cambodia 2018 Elections
Cambodia 2018 Elections Internet Censorship Monitoring
Collaborative effort to test and collect Internet censorship evidence during Cambodia's 2018 Elections.
How to help
Install OONI Probe App
You will need to first download and install OONI Probe App for Android or iPhone
Run the Tests
Once installed all you need to do is click the following link:
You can also generate your own set of links to test at to share with your networks.
After clicking the link on your mobile phone, you should be able see a screen like this and a big blue Run button. Clicking on this will run the tests.
Checking results
To check results. Click on settings menu on top left, and select Past Tests. The most recent tests are at the top.
Sites that tests show as being suspected of being blocked will be listed in red.
Checking status of blocking of Instant Messaging: WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Telegram
If you suspect that instant messaging is being blocked, you open the app and select to run specific tests for Instant Messaging.